

They say the meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. When Ma Joye found her gift in Umgibe Farming, she wasted no time in giving this wonderful gift away to those who just needed a chance in life, who needed someone to say : You, too, matter and you, too, deserve all the love and care that life has to offer.

Umgibe Stop Hidden Hunger is about empowering communities in South Africa towards sustainable and environmentally-sound development through planting crops, growing livestock combined with resource mobilization and skills training. We aim to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition and improve livelihoods and enhance access to quality nutrition, water, shelter, education, health, information technology and equitable income generating opportunities.

We provide holistic, responsive solutions and interventions and set up practical and sustainable projects which will result in long term community development and upliftment and allow participants to reach their full potential.

Umgibe Farming Organics is a carbon-saving, ecological, organic, income-generating vegetable-growing system which provides a platform to market vegetables grown by grassroots farmers in South Africa. We are 100% black-owned Level 1 B-BBEE. We believe in delivering products that are organically grown, provide balanced nutrition and does not harm the environment and are reasonably priced for affordability.

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