To accomplish happy tummies, it takes effort and time. We took the privilege to establish it in your home. Milk and Honey wants to help you to achieve a healthy foundation. By starting healthy habits, and food that promotes a healthy immune system, developing your child’s brain and to optimise gut health. We create food that is good, basic and of the best quality nutrition available. Natural healthy foods that fill your child and help them stay full while at the same time providing the right amount of energy. It is a concern how children react to fast-working carbohydrates, how their insulin is being spiked and how sugar affects them in a negative way. Their concentration ability decreases due to bad food choices.
So mommy, no more worries how and what to feed your children. Milk and Honey wants to take the frustration, not having time as a working or busy mom, to make balance healthy meals for your precious one. We not only cater for baby starting on solid food, but also toddlers/kiddie meals, light snacking between activities, lunch and dinner meals, along with healthy treats. Homemade frozen balanced meals are convenient, fast, and easy, delivered to your doorstep.
Milk and Honey source the best ingredients we can find that is organic, GMO free, fresh and optimise nutritional values. Whole, unprocessed, low GI (slow release) food that stabilise blood sugar. Food that contains no harmful additives such as preservative, MSG, colourants, flavourings, stabilisers, and concentrate’s. Self-grown organically herbs and vegetables – free from pesticides (harmful chemicals) and GMO’s. We use only heirloom seeds. No gluten and refined sugar. Only ingredients that is naturally absorbed by the body. We use wild caught fish that is low in mercury. Dairy-, wheat-, nut-, egg free and vegetarian, vegan, plant-base options to choose from.
Looking for a unique gift for someone who deserves some spoiling? Don’t just give them a gift, give them an experience they will remember with our Cooking Classes! Take part in fun interactive cooking classes to help a life-long love for healthy food. Come be inspired to eat well. Are you ready to learn healthy, nutritious secrets from my kitchen? The focus is ‘FUN’. Enjoy hands-on cooking demo’s and tasting after delicious meals we have prepared! An excellent idea to treat a friend or a loved one to our interactive cooking cooking classes.
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