
Hart Nursery

We are a Retail Nursery specialising in mainly plants. We keep a few accessories, but not much. Our main speciality that identifies us from the crowd is our very own onsite seedling and compost bagging production. We have although small, 1000 square meters of area where we grow mostly flower seedlings throughout the year. For those interested and reading from overseas, the Western Cape is one of the few places in the world where you can grow annuals all year round and outdoors. Our Mediterranean Climate assures us of this. In winter, the Western Cape is an ideal place to grow a English Country Garden full of Primulas, Cinerarias, Stocks, Pansies, Delphiniums, Larkspurs, Foxgloves and Bulb Varieties etc. In fact, the winter garden in the Cape can be the most successful garden of the year.  As far as Summer Seedlings are concerned we can grow most varieties very successfully. Some species like Petunias and Lobelia have damping off problems, but generally most varieties do well. We have done our own bagging of Compost and Soil for the past 21 years and we have full time staff filling 7 days a week just to keep up with the demand. Our full staff contingent at present is 16 people. We have 9 front staff dealing with the public and packing of plants managed by Sammy Paulsen and Tracy Lee Erasmus. 3 Staff fill soil and compost daily, headed by our faithful, sometimes sober Christo. 4 Staff plant seedlings and other planting requirements, headed by our trusty Afrikaans Speaking Xhosa lady Eveline. We often must rotate our staff to fill in when necessary and hire casuals as needed. Gary and Pam Hart, the owners, deal with all the admin and ordering. Look out, on most days you will see either Gary or Pam walking around talking to customers.

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