We class the Love Gardens essentially in the following manner:
1. Micro gardens – mostly establishes in backyard, high density living areas where, because of a lack of soil space, we encourage residents to cultivate food in a vertical hydroponic stack.
2. Household gardens – self- explanantory, these gardens are established in residential gardens and vary in size from 6 to 20 sqm.
3. Community gardens – these gardens are established at churches, creches, schools or any other sizable portion of land that is availed to us. We allot portions to the selected farmers who then cultivates the crop.
The Love Gardens are resourced with the following core values in mind:
1. Harvesting of water is paramount
2. Drip irrigation or best method of water conservation is applied.
3. Composting and every other means of creating biomass is applied.
4. We prefer multi-crop farming as well as chicken/ egg farming to be included in the basket of produce.
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